Performance Improvement Consulting

performance improvement consultingPerformance improvement consulting is a discipline that uses proven methods to identify, define, quantify and analyse problems of performance in organisations, business units, teams, workgroups and individual employees.  One of the most known methods is Lean Six Sigma which focuses on the elimination of waste in eight areas (outlined below).

To sustain the performance improvement resulting from these projects, it’s typically necessary to put in place systems and processes to assure that the desired results continue to be delivered.

Popular performance improvement consulting categories

  • KPI and balanced scorecard frameworks – define, develop, review and implement key performance indicators and balanced scorecard frameworks (e.g. Kaplan Norton)
  • Organisation / team / employee performance improvement – measure, design, review and implement modifications to process / procedure to increase output, increase efficiency or increase effectiveness at any level of an organisation
  • Employee motivation & engagement – determine and apply motivational techniques to improve employee morale and their engagement with the organisation
  • Lean Six Sigma - this primarily concerns initiatives to eliminate waste in eight areas:

1. defects in products / services

2. over production / over-servicing

3. waiting time

4. under-utilised talent

5. unnecessary movements of inventory (materials, products)

6. excess inventory (materials, products)

7. unnecessary movements of people

8. extra-processing.

Three success factors for a successful performance improvement project

It’s important to have reasonable and achievable outcomes for your performance improvement project in mind, before it kicks-off.  This will provide a reference point or ‘stake in the ground’ for measurement.

Good project management is essential, as performance improvement consulting projects can be quite lengthy.  Visit our Project Management page for tips and tricks.

Good change management is also essential, as most performance improvement consulting will need to really engage your employees. Please refer to our Change Management page.

If you are ready to speak to a performance improvement consultant for your needs, select the "Performance Improvement" category in our quick online wizard.

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